Ponca  aa50bfdf187919869239c5b44b748842569114c1
Point Cloud Analysis library
No Matches
Ponca data-structure binding

This is an example of how to instanciate the Ponca::Concept::PointConcept in order to use Ponca on existing data structures without any memory duplication.

We apply exactly the same processing than in Ponca basic CPU, but this time by taking an interlaced raw buffer as input.

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#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <Ponca/src/Fitting/basket.h>
#include <Ponca/src/Fitting/gls.h>
#include <Ponca/src/Fitting/orientedSphereFit.h>
#include <Ponca/src/Fitting/weightFunc.h>
#include <Ponca/src/Fitting/weightKernel.h>
#include "Eigen/Eigen"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace Ponca;
#define DIMENSION 3
\brief Variant of the MyPoint class allowing to work with external raw data.
Using this approach, ones can use the patate library with already existing
data-structures and without any data-duplication.
In this example, we use this class to map an interlaced raw array containing
both point normals and coordinates.
class MyPoint
enum {Dim = DIMENSION};
typedef double Scalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, 1> VectorType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, Dim> MatrixType;
PONCA_MULTIARCH inline MyPoint(Scalar* _interlacedArray, int _pId)
: m_pos (Eigen::Map< const VectorType >(_interlacedArray + Dim*2*_pId )),
m_normal(Eigen::Map< const VectorType >(_interlacedArray + Dim*2*_pId+Dim))
PONCA_MULTIARCH inline const Eigen::Map< const VectorType >& pos() const { return m_pos; }
PONCA_MULTIARCH inline const Eigen::Map< const VectorType >& normal() const { return m_normal; }
Eigen::Map< const VectorType > m_pos, m_normal;
typedef MyPoint::Scalar Scalar;
typedef MyPoint::VectorType VectorType;
// Define related structure
template<typename Fit>
void test_fit(Fit& _fit,
Scalar* _interlacedArray,
int _n,
const VectorType& _p)
Scalar tmax = 100.0;
// Set a weighting function instance
// Set the evaluation position
// Iterate over samples and _fit the primitive
// A MyPoint instance is generated on the fly to bind the raw arrays to the
// library representation. No copy is done at this step.
for(int i = 0; i!= _n; i++)
_fit.addNeighbor(MyPoint(_interlacedArray, i));
//finalize fitting
//Test if the fitting ended without errors
cout << "Center: [" << _fit.center().transpose() << "] ; radius: " << _fit.radius() << endl;
cout << "Pratt normalization"
<< (_fit.applyPrattNorm() ? " is now done." : " has already been applied.") << endl;
// Play with fitting output
cout << "Value of the scalar field at the initial point: "
<< _p.transpose()
<< " is equal to " << _fit.potential(_p)
<< endl;
cout << "It's gradient at this place is equal to: "
<< _fit.primitiveGradient(_p).transpose()
<< endl;
cout << "Fitted Sphere: " << endl
<< "\t Tau : " << _fit.tau() << endl
<< "\t Eta : " << _fit.eta().transpose() << endl
<< "\t Kappa: " << _fit.kappa() << endl;
cout << "The initial point " << _p.transpose() << endl
<< "Is projected at " << _fit.project(_p).transpose() << endl;
// Build an interlaced array containing _n position and normal vectors
Scalar* buildInterlacedArray(int _n)
Scalar* interlacedArray = new Scalar[uint8_t(2*DIMENSION*_n)];
for(int k=0; k<_n; ++k)
// For the simplicity of this example, we use Eigen Vectors to compute
// both coordinates and normals, and then copy the raw values to an
// interlaced array, discarding the Eigen representation.
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, DIMENSION, 1> nvec = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, DIMENSION, 1>::Random().normalized();
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, DIMENSION, 1> pvec = nvec * Eigen::internal::random<Scalar>(0.9,1.1);
// Grab coordinates and store them as raw buffer
memcpy(interlacedArray+2*DIMENSION*k, pvec.data(), DIMENSION*sizeof(Scalar));
memcpy(interlacedArray+2*DIMENSION*k+DIMENSION, nvec.data(), DIMENSION*sizeof(Scalar));
return interlacedArray;
int main()
// Build arrays containing normals and positions, simulating data coming from
// outside the library.
int n = 1000;
Scalar *interlacedArray = buildInterlacedArray(n);
// set evaluation point and scale at the first coordinate
VectorType p (interlacedArray);
// Here we now perform the fit, starting from a raw interlaced buffer, without
// any data duplication
Fit fit;
test_fit(fit, interlacedArray, n, p);
Aggregator class used to declare specialized structures using CRTP.
Definition: basket.h:211
bool addNeighbor(const DataPoint &_nei)
Add a neighbor to perform the fit.
Definition: basket.h:232
Weighting function based on the euclidean distance between a query and a reference position.
Definition: weightFunc.h:29
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