Ponca  aa50bfdf187919869239c5b44b748842569114c1
Point Cloud Analysis library
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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
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 ExamplesHere is a list of all Ponca examples :
 Ponca basic CPUThis is an example of how to use Ponca to compute the GLS Geometric variation on random data
 Ponca basic plane fitThis is an example of how to use Ponca to compute surface variation on random data with plane fitting
 Ponca basic line fitThis is an example of how to use Ponca to fit a Line on random 3D samples
 Ponca data-structure bindingThis is an example of how to instanciate the Ponca::Concept::PointConcept in order to use Ponca on existing data structures without any memory duplication
 Using Ponca to compute surface curvature in PCL
 Screen Space Curvature using Cuda/C++
 Screen Space Curvature using Cuda and Python
 Ponca::KdTree neighbor searchesThis is an example of how to use Ponca::KdTree to perform nearest, k-nearest and range neighbor search
 Comparison between Nanoflann and Ponca KdTree APIs
 Releases overviewCheck latest release at: https://github.com/poncateam/ponca/releases/latest
 Getting started
 User ManualThis section provides a quick tour of currently available modules in Ponca
 Ponca Concepts
 Fitting Module: User Manual
 Fitting module: Concepts
 Fitting module: Concepts
 Spatial Partitioning: User Manual
 Common module: User Manual