Ponca  aa50bfdf187919869239c5b44b748842569114c1
Point Cloud Analysis library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
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 CAlgebraicSphereAlgebraic Sphere primitive
 CBasketAggregator class used to declare specialized structures using CRTP
 CBasketDiffAggregator class used to declare specialized structures with derivatives computations, using CRTP
 CCompactExpWeightKernelCompact Exponential WeightKernel defined in \(\left[0 : 1\right]\)
 CConstantWeightKernelConcept::WeightKernelConcept returning a constant value
 CCovarianceFitBaseProcedure that compute and decompose the covariance matrix of the neighbors positions in \(3d\)
 CCovarianceFitDerInternal generic class computing the derivatives of covariance matrix computed by CovarianceFitBase
 CCovarianceLineFitImplLine fitting procedure that minimize the orthogonal distance between the samples and the fitted primitive
 CCovariancePlaneDerImpl[CovariancePlaneFit Definition]
 CCovariancePlaneFitImplPlane fitting procedure using only points position
 CCurvatureEstimatorBaseBase class for any 3d curvature estimator: holds \(k_{\min}\), \(k_{\max}\) and associated vectors, such that \( k_{\min} <= k_{\max} \)
 CDistWeightFuncWeighting function based on the euclidean distance between a query and a reference position
 CDryFitEmpty fitting object doing no computation
 CGLSDerDifferentiation of GLSParam
 CGLSParamGrowing Least Squares reparemetrization of the OrientedSphereFit
 CIndexSquaredDistanceAssociates an index with a distance
 CKdTreeAbstract KdTree type with KdTreeDefaultTraits
 CKdTreeBase[KdTreeSparse type definition]
 CDefaultConverterConvert a custom point container to the KdTree PointContainer using DataPoint default constructor
 CKdTreeCustomizableNodeThe node type used by default by the kd-tree
 CKdTreeDefaultTraitsThe default traits type used by the kd-tree
 CKdTreeDense[KdTree type definition]
 CKdTreeDenseBaseCustomizable base class for dense KdTree datastructure
 CKdTreeSparse[KdTreeDense type definition]
 CKdTreeSparseBaseCustomizable base class for KdTreeSparse datastructure
 CKNearestIndexQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsIndex and QueryOutputIsKNearest
 CKNearestPointQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsPosition and QueryOutputIsKNearest
 CKnnGraphBaseCustomizable base class for KnnGraph datastructure
 CKnnGraphDefaultTraitsThe default traits type used by the kd-tree
 Climited_priority_queueThe limited_priority_queue class is similar to std::priority_queue but has a limited capacity and handles the comparison differently
 CLineA parametrized line is defined by an origin point \(\mathbf{o}\) and a unit direction vector \(\overrightarrow{\mathbf{d}}\) such that the line corresponds to the set \(l(t)=\mathbf{o}+t\overrightarrow{\mathbf{d}}, t\in \mathbb{R}\)
 CMeanNormalCompute the barycenter of the input points + their normals
 CMeanPlaneFitImplPlane fitting procedure computing the mean position and orientation from oriented points
 CMeanPositionCompute the barycenter of the input points
 CMlsSphereFitDerExtension performing derivation of the mls surface
 CMongePatchExtension to compute the best fit quadric on 3d points expressed as \(f(u,v)=h\)
 CNearestIndexQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsIndex and QueryOutputIsNearest
 CNearestPointQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsPosition and QueryOutputIsNearest
 CNormalCovarianceCurvatureEstimatorExtension to compute curvature values based on a covariance analysis of normal vectors of neighbors
 CNormalDerivativesCurvatureEstimatorExtension to compute curvature values from the Weingarten map \( \frac{d N}{d \mathbf{x}} \)
 COrientedSphereDerImpl[OrientedSphereFit Definition]
 COrientedSphereFitImplAlgebraic Sphere fitting procedure on oriented point sets
 CPlaneImplicit hyperplane defined by an homogeneous vector \(\mathbf{p}\)
 CPrimitiveBasePrimitive base class
 CPrimitiveDerGeneric class performing the Fit derivation
 CProjectedNormalCovarianceCurvatureEstimatorExtension to compute curvature values based on a covariance analysis of normal vectors of neighbors projected onto the tangent plane
 CQueryInputBase class for typed queries input type
 CQueryInputBaseBase class for queries input type
 CQueryInputIsIndexBase class for queries storing points
 CQueryInputIsPositionBase class for queries storing points
 CQueryOutputBaseBase class for queries output type
 CQueryOutputIsKNearestBase class for knearest queries
 CQueryOutputIsNearestBase class for nearest queries
 CQueryOutputIsRangeBase class for range queries
 CRangeIndexQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsIndex and QueryOutputIsRange
 CRangePointQueryBase Query class combining QueryInputIsPosition and QueryOutputIsRange
 CSingularWeightKernelSingular WeightKernel defined in \(\left]0 : 1\right]\)
 CSmoothWeightKernelSmooth WeightKernel defined in \(\left[0 : 1\right]\)
 CSphereFitImplAlgebraic Sphere fitting procedure on point set without normals
 CStackStack with fixed-size storage
 CUnorientedSphereFitImplAlgebraic Sphere fitting procedure on point sets with non-oriented normals
 CWendlandWeightKernelWendland WeightKernel defined in \(\left[0 : 1\right]\)