Ponca  aa50bfdf187919869239c5b44b748842569114c1
Point Cloud Analysis library
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CPonca::KdTreeBase< Traits >::DefaultConverterConvert a custom point container to the KdTree PointContainer using DataPoint default constructor
 CPonca::DistWeightFunc< DataPoint, WeightKernel >Weighting function based on the euclidean distance between a query and a reference position
 CPonca::IndexSquaredDistance< Index, Scalar >Associates an index with a distance
 CPonca::IndexSquaredDistance< Index, DataPoint::Scalar >
 CPonca::IndexSquaredDistance< IndexType, Scalar >
 CPonca::IndexSquaredDistance< Traits::IndexType, Traits::DataPoint::Scalar >
 CPonca::KdTreeBase< Traits >[KdTreeSparse type definition]
 CPonca::KdTreeBase< KdTreeDefaultTraits< DataPoint > >
 CPonca::KdTreeCustomizableNode< Index, NodeIndex, DataPoint, LeafSize, _InnerNodeType, _LeafNodeType >The node type used by default by the kd-tree
 CPonca::KdTreeCustomizableNode< Index, NodeIndex, DataPoint, Index, KdTreeDefaultInnerNode< NodeIndex, DataPoint::Scalar, DataPoint::Dim >, KdTreeDefaultLeafNode< Index, Index > >
 CPonca::KdTreeDefaultInnerNode< NodeIndex, Scalar, DIM >
 CPonca::KdTreeDefaultLeafNode< Index, Size >
 CPonca::KdTreeDefaultTraits< _DataPoint, _NodeType >The default traits type used by the kd-tree
 CPonca::KdTreeKNearestIterator< Index, DataPoint >
 CPonca::KdTreeNearestIterator< Index >
 CPonca::KdTreeQuery< Traits >
 CPonca::KdTreeRangeIterator< Index, DataPoint, QueryT_ >
 CPonca::KnnGraphBase< Traits >Customizable base class for KnnGraph datastructure
 CPonca::KnnGraphDefaultTraits< _DataPoint >The default traits type used by the kd-tree
 CPonca::KnnGraphRangeIterator< Traits >
 CPonca::limited_priority_queue< T, CompareT >The limited_priority_queue class is similar to std::priority_queue but has a limited capacity and handles the comparison differently
 CPonca::limited_priority_queue< IndexSquaredDistance< Index, Scalar > >
 CPonca::limited_priority_queue< Ponca::IndexSquaredDistance< Index, DataPoint::Scalar > >
 CPonca::limited_priority_queue< Ponca::IndexSquaredDistance< Index, Scalar > >
 CPonca::limited_priority_queue< Ponca::IndexSquaredDistance< Traits::IndexType, Traits::DataPoint::Scalar > >
 CPonca::PrimitiveBase< DataPoint, _WFunctor, T >Primitive base class
 CPonca::QueryInputBaseBase class for queries input type
 CPonca::QueryOutputBaseBase class for queries output type
 CPonca::Stack< T, N >Stack with fixed-size storage
 CPonca::Stack< Ponca::IndexSquaredDistance< IndexType, Scalar >, 2 *Traits::MAX_DEPTH >